We’ll be direct. When you have a startup or a small business,leasing offers more flexibility in money,loaning,and changing locations. If you plan to buy a commercial space,only do so if you’re prepared to rent the same space.

Comparison of Benefits and Drawbacks of Buying vs. Leasing a Commercial Space

When you buy or lease a commercial space,you must decide which benefits you want and which drawbacks you can live with. Therefore,we don’t just compare the pros and cons. Instead,we compare the benefits of buying against the benefits of leasing. We also compare the drawbacks of buying against the drawbacks of leasing.

As you can see above in the table,the benefits of buying a commercial space is higher. But the higher the benefits,the greater the risks. Below,we also compare the drawbacks of leasing and buying a commercial space. 

Benefits of Leasing Commercial Space

Renting is more viable for small businesses and startups. Leases allow you to move and spend more money on other costs. Below are some of the benefits of leasing a commercial space. 

  • Lower Upfront Costs

When you only have to pay rent,you don’t need a down payment. This also frees you money for qualifying for other loans. But you’ll need to pay the attorney,broker,release inspection,and security deposit fees.

  • Predictable Monthly Costs

You wouldn’t need to spend for unexpected damages on the property when leasing. This advantage makes it easier to budget and plan for the future. Check your contract for the extent of your responsibility in fixing what would be defined as minor repairs.

Benefits of Buying Commercial Space

When buying commercial real estate,you also get the advantage of having a property. You are more likely to qualify for loans because your commercial property makes you more stable and secure. You also have more assets aside from your business. 

  • Long-term Investment

As equity increases over time,so does capital appreciation. Capital appreciation is affected by the same things as equity: inflation and local and industrial economies. With your long-term investment,you can fund your retirement once you sell your property or business.

  • Rent Income

When owning a commercial space,it is best to take advantage of renting it. Most businesses only use 50% of their commercial space. You can earn extra income from your business by renting the rest of the space.

Countermeasure Drawbacks of Leasing Commercial Space

Just as there are benefits to renting a commercial space,there are also downsides. While rental costs are fixed,they can be bigger than fixed mortgage rates. 

  • No Equity

Unlike owning a property,rental properties don’t build equity. Fortunately,there are lease-to-own commercial properties where your rent is part of your purchase.

  • Rent Increases

Landlords may increase rent at the end of a lease term,which can affect a business’s bottom line. While you can move,you must consider the moving cost versus the monthly lease.

Countermeasure Drawbacks of Buying Commercial Space

Buying commercial property has its downsides,too. Just as you can have bigger gains by purchasing a property,you also have bigger risks and payments. 

  • High Upfront Costs

Purchasing commercial space requires significant upfront capital. Down payment for commercial spaces in Washington can be 20-25% of the purchase. Getting small business loans can help get the funding you need. 

  • Maintenance and Liability Costs

Property owners are responsible for maintenance and repairs,which can be costly and time-consuming. Remember to buy liability insurance for costly legal fees and settlements.

Buy or Lease Commercial Space: Factors to Consider

It will take time and thoughtful consideration whether to buy or lease a commercial property. Below are factors to consider,which we hope to give you insights into your important decision. 


To Buy or Lease Commercial Space: Your Final Decision 

Buying or leasing commercial property offers pros and cons. We often recommend renting for small businesses and startups. We also recommend buying a commercial space if you are prepared to rent the same space. 

However,  it is best to look at your business situation. By knowing your business needs and goals,you’ll understand better which benefits are for you. By knowing what you don’t need and what you can risk,you can decide which drawbacks you can live with.  

Once you’ve decided,check out Goodale & Barbieri Company to learn more.